Nadia extends a unique offering of one-on-one energy readings at the serene setting of "Soulscape Retreats." Over the years, her psychic abilities have not only strengthened but also deepened, leading her to conduct numerous readings for friends, family, and individuals she has encountered across the globe.

In these sessions, Nadia connects with and delves into your energy field, unraveling insights into your emotional, spiritual, or physical state. She establishes a profound connection with her spirit guides, angels, and the astral realm, creating a conduit for information meant to manifest in the present moment. The revelations she channels may manifest through intense emotions and feelings (Clairsentience), auditory perceptions (Clairaudience), vivid visions (Clairvoyance), or a clear inner knowing (Claircognizance).

Nadia's abilities often transcend the boundaries of time, allowing her to peer into past lives, commune with unborn souls, and connect with those who have already transitioned. She frequently translates these ethereal experiences into drawings that capture colors, structures, and images. Through the synergy of her intuitive senses, clear and profound messages unfold.

For those joining the retreat and intrigued to get an energy reading with Nadia during one of the retreats, you can mention your interest in the application and Nadia will get in contact with you. If you want to decide later on or during the retreat, that’s no problem at all.

Upon your arrival at the retreat, you will find a time slot with Nadia to embark on a personalized session, where Nadia taps into your energy fully and shares the revelations come through during the one-on-one reading.

You are free & welcome to record the reading, ensuring you have a tangible memory to revisit. In the realm of Nadia's energy readings, whatever is destined to manifest will undeniably come through.

In case you have any specific questions, don’t hesitate to contact Nadia directly here.